Woman enjoying nature and benefitting her mental health

10 Ways to Support Your Mental Health Naturally

Happy Mental Health Awareness Week 2024! Supporting both your physical ad mental wellness can be a challenge but did you know that the health of one can benefit the other?

Here are Rio Health's top ten ways you can aid your long-term mental wellness.

Go, Guarana, Go!

Go, Guarana, Go!

Are you in need of some get-up-and-go? Guarana might just be your solution! The high-energy properties of this berry hails from the Amazon rainforest and has been used by Brazil's tribes for centuries. Find out all about guarana's powerful properties here...
Unveiling the Power of Green Magma: A Journey through Nature's Nutritional Treasure

Unveiling the Power of Green Magma: A Journey through Nature's Nutritional Treasure

This April, prioritise your health with Green Magma, a potent elixir crafted by Japanese pharmacologist Yoshihide Hagiwara. Bursting with over 70 essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, Green Magma offers a rejuvenating path towards holistic wellness. Experience the revitalising power of nature's finest nutrients and embark on your journey towards health, high energy and whole-body cleansing!
Smoothie bowl in the shape of a heart

What’s the Point of Powders?

Our Rio Amazon Powders are a fantastic way to get your nutrient needs met! We've got smoothies to suit your preferences, too. Which powder personality would you be?
WHAT ARE PARENT ESSENTIAL OILS (PEOs)? & Plant-Based Alternative to Fish Oil

WHAT ARE PARENT ESSENTIAL OILS (PEOs)? & Plant-Based Alternative to Fish Oil

Read about Blackcurrant Seed Oil, a Plant-Based Alternative to Fish Oil
Are You Greening-Up?

Are You Greening-Up?

by Rose Holmes, Nutritionist, BSc, Dip.ION, PGCE, MBANT

Veganuary and Moving Towards a Plant-Based Diet

Veganuary and Moving Towards a Plant-Based Diet

Learn more about some of the nutrients that may be missing from some vegan (and vegetarian) diets