The heat is on! 

Much of the UK will have its first ever Red Extreme Heat Warning today and tomorrow with a National Emergency issued. 

Hot weather is dangerous for everyone--particularly for the very young and older people.

In addition to listening to news report and media advice about how to stay cool and remain healthy during the period of extreme heat, please remember to stay well hydrated.

One way to hydrate is with iced herbal teas. The Rio Amazon Taste The Tropics Teas are perfect for serving iced as well as hot. My particular favourites are Guarana with Acai, Graviola with Orange Fruit, and Yerba Mate with Guarana, Cinnamon and Cloves.

  1. Choose which delicious Taste The Tropics Tea you would like to try
  2. Brew the tea in boiling water--make the tea (in a heat-safe cup/mug) on the strong side as the ice will dilute the flavour
  3. Prepare your chosen drinking vessel by adding LOTS of ice.  I like mine in the Portable Tea Infuser Bottle--but I brew the tea first in a mug.
  4. Cool the tea enough so your chosen drinking vessel won't crack when the tea is poured over the ice in it.  You can even make some and chill in the fridge.
  5. Pour the tea over the ice.
  6. Add a few mint leaves, a squeeze of lemon or similar to taste
  7. Teas can be sweetened with a drop or two of Stevia tincture to taste if desired.
  8. Sip.....
  9. .......ENJOY......


Rose Holmes
Tagged: #RioRecipes Tea